Knowledge is defined as an
“acquaintance with
facts, truths,
or principles,
as from study or investigation; general
erudition; the fact
or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension” (“Knowledge”). Based on those definitions,
knowledge is a misleading subject because what we think we know does not
always end up being the truth. People may believe or say that they know something
for different reasons. They could have been told information and believed it
because the source was reliable, but the only way to truly know something is to
have documentation. Reliability and the ability to believe is what makes people trust
one another and what they are saying. If you tell someone that you know something
off hand you most likely will not be questioned about the source. If you are
telling someone important information or are presenting a topic to a group of
colleagues you would be expected to have done research and have facts to back
up your theories. Knowledge is what makes the world grow, and with that
knowledge comes different perspectives on who people really are.
quarter we are focusing on opening our minds and looking at the world in a
different way. With the theme of “what makes humans ‘bad’” we are going to
develop a new outlook on life and the way we perceive each of our actions the
actions of people across the world. To be able to attempt to answer the question
I would need evidence, to back up my beliefs. When I first read the question I
felt like it was a trick because to me not all human are bad, we each decide if
we want to do the right or wrong thing. Right and wrong is also a deceptive
topic because we each can believe that we are doing the right or wrong thing
based on our current knowledge. Right now my understanding of the theme is that
it is based on a false theory that all humans are bad.
Type of knowledge
of Acquisition
Date last evaluated
Teacher |
Discussing the idea of Columbus Day and how we are in a way celebrating genocide.
Thoughts, Bible
I believe that humans are bad when they intentionally hurt someone, or commit a sin.
Personal experience
Gut reaction
I know it is bad when I see a minor walk out of a drug store with cigarettes.
theme of the class makes us question what we think we know because it makes up
look deeper into what we as humans do and are. I believe that some humans are
bad and that they are because of their actions against others. Not all bad
actions have bad results and I believe that is because people learn from their
errors and correct them in the future. I think that if a person commits a crime
that they are doing something bad, but once someone crosses the line of killing
another human being then they can never recover from that action. My knowledge
on what makes humans bad is mostly based on mere true belief because it tends
to generalize people and their actions into two categories when every person is
different and has their own reasons for their actions. The two categories are
bad or good and right or wrong, but from class discussions I learned there is
not an exact answer because people have their own outlooks on what it means to
be good or bad and right or wrong. It can be thought of as wrong today to
assume someone is bad because they do something that you think is wrong. We
cannot judge someone based on their action without evidence and significant
reasons to back up our beliefs, but if our beliefs are different that theirs
then we can end up back in the cycle of assumptions, generalization, and mere
true beliefs. Humans can be thought of as bad if they do something the majority
is against, but I still believe that there are moral and legal lines that are
draw when it comes to right and wrong. We live in a society where we are told
we must follow laws or we will suffer the consequences. I believe that if
someone breaks a law then they have committed a bad action and must receive the
correct punishment.
I use
ability knowledge when I know how to follow the rules in class and in life. Ability
knowledge could also be thought of as a way of learning from ones mistakes, so
if someone does a bad thing they can learn from it and not commit that bad
action again. Throughout my education I have been given instructions on what to
do and what not to do, I have decided to follow those rules because I know that
if I did not that I would be punished. At a young age our minds develop, and
based on that development we can think of the world in an optimistic point of
view or a pessimistic one. By looking at people from an optimistic perspective
we can choose to believe that humans are good in nature, but if we look at
humans from a pessimistic perspective we will doom ourselves into believe that
humans are originally bad.
“Knowledge.” Def. 1 & 4.
N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2015. <>.
Popova, Maria. “Fixed vs.
Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives.” Brain Picking.
N.p., 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 25 Sept. 2015. <>.
Pritchard, Duncan. "Some Preliminaries." What Is This Thing Called Knowledge? London: Routledge, 2006. N. pag. Print.
Corinna, I like the template you chose to engage the reader--very colorful. You write clearly and
ReplyDeleteConsider introducing the reader to the blog in an engaging way besides just jumping into the topic of knowledge. Why Knowledge? Why the theme? If you were to share this with professional others, how might you engage them to want to read your blog? Perhaps start with paragraph 2. Why is the class doing this? How is it useful of value to you?
The inventory table is a good start but be more exhaustive with recording all you know on the theme and identifying the type of knowledge. Review the Prichard reading to make sure apply definitions (ability knowledge) accurately. See the grade and other comments in the rubric on BB. Looking forward to reading more.